
Wednesday, September 1, 2010


aritu keluar nga kawan n kawan kepada kawan aku....tgk dok b'borak tu, dorang sebut la pasal shisha...korang taw apa benda shisha 2???ak mmg pnh dgr nama ni sblm 2...kalo xsilap dalam kelas nataraja ada cite psl ni...disebabkan xbape nak ingat apa yg mr nataraja cite dalam kelas, dalam pikiran aku ni shisha tu adalah drug/candu...kiranya ak pikir bnda ni illicit drug...dorang ada sebut nak hisap bnda 2...ak dah pndg pelik kat dorang...giler apa nak hisap shisha???mcm la senang nak dapat bnda ak xde la tnya yg bkn2 kat dorang...lgpn jap je dorang borak psl shisha...pastu g tukar topic len plak...ak nak tnya lebih2 segan la plak...almklumla, pemalu katakan...hahhaha...

after lepak2 + borak kosong + aktiviti len, kami p makan kat kedai mamak...lupa lak nama kedai 2....syed apekebendenye....xigt la kedai tu sblh south city plaza kat serdang...after abes makan...dorang p order shisha...aish, time ni mmg makin meningkat kepelikan aku...ada ke shisha kat sini???gler apa mlm2 nak hisap shisha...dah la tmpt t'buka lak 2...time dorg p order, ak smpat la tnya kat bini kawan pada kawan aku 2 psl shisha...dia cakap shisha 2 x memabukkan...effect dia xmcm drug...cuma bila kita hisap tu dia ada rasa...
ada rasa strawberry, apple, anggur....katanya lg bau asap shisha 2 pn wangi...yeke???setahu aku kalo rokok 2 ada la yg rasanya strawberry + asap wangi...lupa lak brand rokok 2 apa...

dalam 10 mnt pas dorang order, sampai la shisha...
gini upenye...

cara hisap dia cm org dlu2 hisap candu....sempat la aku interview org yg meniaga shisha ni...katanya shisha ni just tembakau yg dijeruk...time jeruk 2 dorang letakkan la perisa...ooooo....bru aku taw.....ak snap 1 gmbr ni je....nak ak explain ke cmne cara hisap je????huhu...alaa....nnt korang seach kat internet la...lg clear explaination dia....

beria dorang ckap kat aku shisha ni xmembahayakan macam bg ak bnda ni still bg effect yg x ada sikit mklumat yg ak jmpa psl shisha...kalo rajin baca la.....

sumber : The Star 

What is Shisha?

SOME say it originated in Turkey over 500 years ago while others claim it came from Syria and India.
In today’s context, Shisha refers to the flavoured tobacco used in the smoking process using a hookah, also commonly known as ‘hubble bubble’ and ‘narghile’.
The tobacco is soaked in fruits shavings such as apples, grapes and strawberries.
A hookah consists of a base, pipe, bowl and hose or a mouthpiece.
Tobacco is placed in the bowl, which is at the top of the pipe structure.
An aluminium foil covers the bowl and small charcoal pieces are then placed on the foil, which is punctured using a pin to gently heat the tobacco.
When smoked using the hose, smooth, sweet-smelling vapour is filtered through the base containing water.
It also comes in floral flavours such as coconut, vanilla and rose.

Is Shisha harmful?

While many may argue that Shisha smoking is not harmful, medical experts say otherwise.Kuala Lumpur health department deputy head Dr Sellehudin Abu Bakar said Shisha was tobacco mixed with molasses and fruit flavours and tobacco product in any form contained nicotine.
He said all tobacco products were equally dangerous as it contained more than 3,500 chemicals of which 200 were toxic and 43 were carcinogenic.
“It is difficult to compare which product is more dangerous.
“It depends on several factors such as frequency of use, how deep the inhalation or if other ingredients are added besides tobacco itself,” said Dr Sellehudin.
He added that Shisha smoking was also addictive as it contained nicotine from tobacco smoke.
“Shisha smoking can lead to physical addiction and can also create psychological and habitual dependence to the user.
“The water filter is a gimmick. Most of the toxic chemicals and nicotine are not water-soluble. Hence, they pass through the filter and is inhaled by a smoker, although other irritant substances, which are water-soluble, will get filtered.”
Meanwhile Reuters reported last week that the World Health Organisation (WHO) had announced that a single session of smoking Shisha yields a nicotine intake equivalent to more than one pack of cigarettes.
It is also reported that Shisha smoke retained all the carcinogens of cigarette smoke while adding more carbon monoxide and a separate set of carcinogens from the use of burning coals to keep the nicotine flowing, coupled with the risk of infection with tuberculosis or hepatitis from shared mouthpieces.

~nnt if ak jumpa lg info pasal shisha, ak share ngan korang ek~


Unknown said...

ade gak buat entri sal shisha dulu kat blog..ade gak yg sokong shisha 2 bahaya dan ade yg mem'bengkak'..
pepun xkisahla rokok ke..shisha ke...mmg bahaya..shisha hanyala alasan

Mohd LukMan said...

ko xnak tgk shisha?? kat kb r lah plg banyak tau.. kat area2 grad reverview tepi sg. klatan.. byk sgt kedai yg jual shisha nih..hoho